Friday, July 31, 2009
Preliminary Examinations

Hello everybody :D I've come to liven up the blog!

I'm very unhappy and sad to see that 2e'07 is splitting up. I do know that it has been since a long time ago. Nevertheless, it just got worse and I'm really unhappy to see it.

Today, I want to share some life experiences with everyone.

Recently, I've learnt one very important life lesson. Being a human, you should never, I emphasise, NEVER ever presume anything. That is simply because what you presume could be wrong, and worse still the wrong presumption might inadvertently cause you to attach negative connotations to the object, invoking negative emotions. You will never ever get to know what anyone else is thinking about, or your comprehending abilities are really very limited, or there could be a billion permutations to the entire gamut of a statement's meaning, as there are many statements in this world which are ambiguous.

Secondly, even if, unfortunately or inadvertently, you have presumed that something carries a negative connotation, you should be more open-minded about it and be a happy person rather than a spiteful one going around spiting everyone. Simply because this will only reflect very badly on your character.

Thirdly, it is definitely not a loss to lose a soi-disant "friend" who is very narrow-minded and presumptuous such that he/she attaches derogatory connotations, but it is your fortune instead.

Okay, after all these unhappy stuff, I wish everyone good luck for your upcoming Preliminary Examinations 2! 加油!!


Posted by [look at the name in the post] @ 9:33 PM