Sunday, October 3, 2010
Class Outing!

Hey folks! I'm here to blog about our latest class outing :)

Time: 7:20 pm
Meeting Venue: Bus stop opposite CCHY's front gate
Event Venue: Yishun Park
Participants: Wei Kang, Zhen Yang, Jin Xuan, Alpha, Cory, Glenn

Jin Xuan was late for the outing!! Sorry!! He arrived at around 7:20 pm. Wei Kang, Cory and Alpha were already there. We waited awhile and Zhen Yang came. Then we set off to Yishun Park! The sky was already dark.

It had been raining earlier on, and the area was somewhat damp. Still, we found a spot and set down our stuffs! Jin Xuan brought along a lot of Mid-Autumn party stuff! Sparklers, lanterns, candles etc. !

Glenn arrived shortly after! Sadly, Zhen Yang left D:


We chatted a lot and this 2e'07 outing was made even more authentic with our classmates very own home-made mooncakes!! Mooncakes made by Jun Liang's Mum! Compared to the mooncakes brought by Jin Xuan, which were from some hotel, everyone [that includes Jin Xuan himself!] thinks that Jun Liang's mooncakes taste better! They do! Lotus paste :D nice!

There were other ppl around playing with fireworks and stuff too! They even had incendiary projectiles leh! The best we had were only intensified luminous sparklers D: LOL anw its cool! We chatted a lot, played with lanterns, candles, fire, ate mooncakes.

AND! Without Glenn, this outing would've been kinda boring. He's an incendiary expert, I'll have you know D: he set off all of Jin Xuan's lighters on fire! AND mind you, Jin Xuan had TEN lighters! Okay, not all, but he destroyed a lot of them D: powerful. And he really knew the fireworks and stuff. Really interesting outing.

Yeap. And then we caught up with each other too.

All good times will come again! So yeap, this one has finally..succeeded :)

We all finally went home together.

It was a great outing!! Hope to have more of it!!

加油 everyone for the challenges ahead of you :)


Posted by [look at the name in the post] @ 9:31 PM